A Leader’s Not So Blurry Line
“When does influence become manipulation?”
That question was part of an insightful discussion this morning. I admire an influential leader. I tolerated the manipulative type until I couldn’t.
The line begins to blur when the influencer gains more value than the person being influenced receives. Influence adds value to a relationship. The more value added by the influencer, the more respect they earn. Relationships based on manipulating one over another are transactional and temporary at best.
- Distort facts to their benefit leading to a constant spin cycle,
- Use others,
- Take undue credit,
- Exaggerate their experiences and training,
- Talk a lot,
- Hard sell,
- Find blame in others.
In contrast, influencers:
- Seek the truth no matter where it leads,
- Help others find and emphasize their strengths,
- Share the credit with the organization,
- Are experts and have the credentials to back it up,
- Mostly listen and ask questions,
- Provide value to those in their sphere of influence,
- Take responsibility for adverse group decisions.
Bella Vista Executive Advisors ( www.BellaVistaExecutiveAdvisors.com ) has the framework to move successful franchisees forward and become influencers in their business, with colleagues, in front of clients, and even in their communities.